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Donna and Laurie join SWAT team to Barbados

An exciting opportunity has just come our way — one that both Laurie and I feel called to lead. We have just been invited to lead four teams (SEEDS World Action Teams or SWAT), on a Barbados Missions Trip to reach seventy schools. SEEDS International have been sending teams to Barbados for fifteen years. In that time hundreds of Canadians have teamed up to reach thousands of children in public schools. Due to unforseen circumstances this year a couple of leaders had to pull out leaving an urgent need. Fifteen years ago, Laurie and I tranined and led the first Seeds teams into these same schools. We are thrilled to be returning! The trip is scheduled from February 26 to March 17.

Project Seedlings Throughout Barbados the Bible study book “Seedlings” is taught in most of the public schools. SEEDS International partners with Intervarsity (ISCF) who oversea the completion of the study each year in noon-hour studies. In some schools the curriculum is taught in the grade four classroom. It is the study of these fourteen lessons which brings children to life-long commitment to Christ.

Our short-term team ministry is a very necessary catalyst to this ministry. It keeps the “Seedlings” ministry in front of both teachers and children. This year we will be putting together a public rally called “Rejoice”. This will be held on Saturday, March 16. We will be inviting teachers, children in school and teenagers whom have taken the course. This is a first time event. We hope to hear the stories of teacher’s, children and families who have been affected by the Gospel through “Seedlings” over the last fifteen years.

We need your help to make this a reality! The costs have been impacted by our low dollar and the high costs in Barbados. If you are able to help underwrite the costs, please go to our "donate" page and follow the links. Tax receipts are issued for donations over $10. We would also love your support for us in prayer for this endeavour. Prayer updates can be recieved by sending me your contact information on the contact page of this website. If you feel called to join us to minister, please contact us immediately.


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